Monday, May 16, 2016

The Awakening of the Power of Agency

How have you been, what is happening, I have been working hard to get this area ready for in case we are transferred on out, but I think we will be together for another transfer.  We have been doing as dad instructed and have seen some things come from it, but we have to wait for the end of the week before we can see any definitive results. I have been working on planning better, but at last I still will do better than last time. We are having a BBQ as a zone today so that is AWESOME but they won't let me grill, (don't worry, it’s because missionaries can't play with fire so we are all "pyro-maniacs.")

Yes, BOOK OF MORMON READING IS ESSENTIAL, FOR CONVERSION, people have a hard time understanding that, but I understand it more than I did before I was on my mission. Silence is something that I have gotten better at.  Our District Leader (Our DL) told me to shut up and let Elder Facer Talk more, because Elder Facer is the quite type that is perfectly fine with being silent for EVERYTHING, even in the lessons, and it is usually me teaching.  So, our DL also told me "Be more like a Greenie and don't say anything just look at your companion with a confused look and let them take over briefly."  Yeah Elder Van, Being Quiet, I would pay to see that day.  Teaching has gotten better for me I now can go straight in to testifying, and I teach by the spirit because there is NO OTHER WAY TO TEACH, ask any Spanish missionary, they will tell you.

Well My mother's day talk went great, the meeting was 15 minutes late in getting starting, due to the fact that there was no one there till 5 minutes after the meeting started.  My talk was mainly to a bunch of people who are of the senior side of life, and they loved it.  I got up and basically bore my testimony to them for 10 minutes.  I never thought that I would be able to stand there for longer than 3 minutes max to talk to a ward, but as a missionary you are expected to go out and to testify, so yeah I have been getting better, it also helped that it is a small ward and about half were out in the foyer.
Yeah, Elder Facer groaned because we have a difference of opinions of how we should progress in teaching of the investigators, and I am of the opinion that dad is right, and we tried it and we get to see the results of it by the end of this week; and usually yes, we keep on going on and teaching, but we are trying this for a week to see. I am going to push for 2-3 weeks before we stop. We dropped some people that weren't willing to accept but if all things work out (thank you Atonement) they will come around to what we taught them. The Atonement is real, without it I would be woefully discouraged, and it is what is necessary for me to teach with the spirit, if I don't partake then the spirit ceases to abide with me, so I will be the best I can be and partake of the atonement as often as I can. I think of Alma and Amulek when they were cast into prison and made to watch the righteous be martyred.  I think of this in comparison with me and the people of California, I wish like Alma and Amulek to stretch for our hands and exercise the priesthood to save them, but some of them refused to be saved and will not accept the gospel. Oh how I wish I could save them from their choices, and remove it from them, but at last I will not take their Agency from them, because the Lord will exercise Perfect Justice and Perfect Mercy. Oh the vainness and the frailties of man and the desire to exercise unrighteous dominion, (Doctrine and Covenants 121: 36-37)  Yeah, I know people have their Agency, and it sucks when they use it so wrong, is this what it feel like to be a parent with a kid? 

Love you,

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