Monday, July 25, 2016


Well Monday was crazy; we were running around like mad missionaries, trying to get everything done P-day. We tried to get to the library to email sooner and it was hectic. Elder Jessee likes to spend an hour in the morning to clean the apartment; the other Elders in our district came over to do laundry, and started to help us get through it all. Oh, Elder Jessee is the district leader, it's awesome doing exchanges, we get to meet up with other missionaries at a non-disclosed places (i.e. our apartment) and to switch and try different things that we normally don't get to try in our regular companionship. Like one time we got to go park contacting, IT IS AWESOME, particularly with more people out and about, and I never thought that I would do/say this but (THANK YOU POKEMON GO), we get to meet people and we get to nerd out with them and then teach them the gospel. One exchange it was 110-115 degrees outside so we stayed inside to not DIE. I have kept track of my weight and found out that I drop 1/5 of a pound of water weight for every hot day that we fast, but by the next day I put it back on so don't worry about that.
Tuesday, we had District meeting, FUN STUFF, (editor’s note: this is sarcasm) I didn't know this but apparently if you have a district leader as a companion, you can't get out of doing training. The district leader seems to know where I live and sleep, so I am always asked to give some sort of training in District meeting. We had a lesson with a member present and it was okay. We have been teaching this guy that has been an Eternagator for years, and his record said that he had been taught all of the lessons. So we were going back through them and started teaching the lessons again and apparently the Elders thought that they were sly and taught him point by point but they didn't actually teach him the gospel. So we taught him the Plan of Salvation up to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and we told him to interrupt us and let us know if he had been taught this before or if it sounded familiar, alas he did not. Later that evening the member present that we had, had us on over for dinner, and we were going to have a lesson with his neighbor in his home, but they didn't show up. So we went on over there and knocked on their door and no one came to answer the door. So we had to go about our day, (as it turns out they have had food poisoning for the past 4 days, their phone's battery melted in the sun, and they got into a fight and the girlfriend dropped him hard in one punch to the face). We spent a total of half of our day with the members that day.
Wednesday, we visited a less active, and he has a condition that he can can't remain focused on the subject at hand. And we spent the time talking about the awfulness of the world, and about prostitutes in 3rd world countries, and the awful situation of their souls. We then pointed out that he should focus on getting his own soul out of its awful situation, but he seemed to press on without giving it any thought. We gave service at Bishops Storehouse and we got to meet some super solid members and some questionable people and their beliefs. We, after that visited a recent convert family and they were outside swimming in the little kiddy pool and the father of the family, we got to read the Book of Mormon with him to keep him on his goal of going to the temple and being sealed as a family. We had dinner at a member's home, they had their son and daughter from Las Vegas come down and visit, and their son is a chef and man-oh-man he made this lasagna that had everything that I dislike, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, (maybe sauerkraut?), anchovies, and some how made it taste REALLY GOOD. I got back up and had 2nds and 3rds, right after we had a Book of Mormon study class, and we had no one show up. The only people that showed up were all 4 of us missionaries and the other missionaries ride, so we got to read where the Sister missionaries ride was in the Book of Mormon, and it was good, it was the story of my name sake.
Thursday, was dead all the way till it was evening. We got to our dinner appointment and had dinner at "IN-N-OUT Burger." We then found out (because we didn't look at the calendar) that our dinner scheduled to go out on member present lessons, so we tried the potentials that we had planned and visited some families right after. Which by some miracle were his less active home teaching companion, and one of the families he has for home teaching. We found out that the member dropped off melons to everyone on his list, and he now has a new name "THE MELON MAN." One family thought that it was filled full of drugs, or it was a bomb, and they laughed when they found out it was him doing his home teaching.
Friday, we left the apartment for 2 hours out of our entire day, because we were weekly planning and discussing who was really a real investigator or not and who needed to be dropped for the moment, it wasn't fun, but we did it and got through it, and we had exchanges with the Zone leaders.
Saturday, me and our Zone leader had a really bad exchange. It was 110-115 degrees outside so we stayed inside to not DIE, and we were bored but then we started to Geek/nerd out on each other and we had a fun time with that. Early that morning we had to go and give our ward mates a blessing of comfort and counsel, they have been having a hard time in their new area because of all of the people that like to bash on us. We did get out of the apartment and we taught the Restoration in Spanish, so those years of Spanish paid off, the Spanish Elders now have a new investigator and we got to go and eat out at Panda Express so all was okay.
Sunday, we visited some people they said come back later. We have Church at 2:30 pm so our day is shot for proselyting. Oh yeah you remember that crazy guy that I talked about a couple of emails back. He should back up to church and was a lot more stable, he still was crazy, but whatever he is taking is having a good effect on him and he is not as angry or as argumentative with us in Gospel Principles. We got to have dinner with some members that fed us earlier in the week and then we visited with a less active who just got back from St. Louis.
This has been my week in a ‘NUT’shell,

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