Monday, April 18, 2016

Whistle While You Work

April 18th, 2016
Dear Family,
I have been well.  I have yet to receive the birthday package that you guys sent, but I did get the Dog whistle, it has been super helpful.  A dog was barking madly and I hit the button and he got quiet and I was able to finish talking before the guy said no thanks, but still, it WORKS!
Oh mom, DO NOT FOR ANY REASON COME OUT TO CALIFORNIA, because if you do, you will KILL EVERYBODY.  One day out of the three months I have been out here, I decided to count up all of the sewing machines on the lawns of the people that we VISITED, and I only counted Singers mom, so don't be angry, but I counted up to 34 singer sewing machines, that day, for the people we visited and no one else.  The sewing machines are not in the best of shape, one was so dilapidated that it was a half pile of rust and machine. If you count up the others that weren't Singers you are at 42, but they are Kenmore so not as big a deal :)  If you count the sewing tables/cabinets that the machines are in, well you lose count after a while (1-2 hours).  I would talk to them about their machines, it was how we were able to come back and visit.  A vintage sewing machine is like the gospel, it is the same yesterday today and forever, so don't throw it out in the lawn to decorate, keep it in your house and use it.  They are like the Atonement, if you use it you can make incredible things and fix rips and tears in the soul of our bodies.
The area I am in is still in the desert and there are a lot of houses, and the apartment where I am at now is the exact same as the one in Mojave river, but we have a couch now so YEAH, AWESOME.  When I find out more I will tell you in my next letter.  I am serving in the Maple ward in Hesperia B, if you look at the map for the stakes out here it’s the one that looks like a chicken.  Our new ward has been great.  So far this last sacrament meeting was awesome a returned missionary gave a talk on Grace.
Elder Heydorn is the new Ward mission Leader here and he is awesome, I had already met him in the temple so there is a +.  The Ward Council here is stone Quiet. I had to strain my ears to listen and I didn't know that the meeting started till about the end.  :D
Yeah, The Long Night of Apostasy is one of the most visited chapters in my collection out here and I understand not understanding the chapter Early in the morning, because there are a LOT of people out here who don't believe that the apostasy ever happened.  I use it to explain it to them, because they want logic more than the Spirit in the Restoration lesson, but after sharing that they usually are confused; so right now I would only use it if you have been a member for a long time. 
We have been teaching less active members of the Maple ward, in the as we have termed “The Less Active Bachelor's Club,” not a lot of investigators here.  We are going to have to drop an investigator because he hasn't been keeping any of the commitments that have been left with him.  So we are going to have to find more people.  :D  We have done lots of service, about 10 hours. 
I have kept up on my journal keeping, I try to write in it every night before I go to bed but there are sometimes when it's 9:30 pm and you finish planning for tomorrow, and you are barely making it through planning and you drag yourself to bed, and don't even bother to get changed for bed because you are too tired to care.  I have been working on my pride and on being humble.
Spiritually, I’m a lot farther along now than the MTC, I can now go right on in to testifying of the gospel.
Dad, what were the questions to ask to see if someone has a problem with the church, they were about Joseph smith, prophets, modern revelations, and things like that?

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