Dear Family,
Well Monday, we did not have a lot
done. We basically did nothing for our zone activity, and we were asked the day
previous to drop off some primary papers for the kids that didn't attend.
Tuesday, we had a bad day we were
dropped by everyone that we had set, and everyone that we found previous that
week, we went by a spur of the moment kind of a thing and they weren't there. We
met a Born Again guy who started to Bash on us, but was polite almost. We
taught a brief lesson of the Book of Mormon to them and they said, "WE
have a bible, we don't need your bible,” inside I was like Read 2 Nephi 29 and
you won't be saying that. So we left and stopped by some potential that we had
on our sheets and they left for Canada 2 months ago, and just got back so got
in with them. We began to teach them The Restoration, we were there for 2 hours
and we became "Counselors" for them, we sat and listened to their
marriage problems, hence the 2 hours. We had dinner with the Bishop and his
Family, and the kids were kids, they didn’t want to eat, they didn't want to
sit, they didn't want to play, they just wanted to do what they wanted to do,
and they tried all night to get their way. We found a lost Member we have a
return appointment, and we may have a potential investigator out of it. Oh and our
ward mates called about an investigator, the message was one of "Still has
a desire, and will wait till things cool down."
Wednesday, we met with a less
active, we shared a scripture Alma 41:12-15. (Oh, if given the opportunity, find a speaker Called Hyrum W. Smith, and
listen to his talks on self-worth, apostasy and prayer/mission.) We gave
service at Bishops Store house, it is very different and you get to meet some
very different people and their view on missionaries and the church. We have a
scripture study class at the Church, and we had a member show up and study with
the Class, he is a history teacher, and is into a lot of the Bible history. He
went into the class and shared his conversion story, and about how he came to
know that the book of Mormon was true. He shared some things of how he had the
missionaries on over for years but never wanted to join. Then he had a dream
that he would be asked to be baptized one last time and that was it. Our ward
mission leader showed up and was introducing the new missionaries, and
interrupted them and asked if he would like to be baptized, and how he was like
in his head, "CRAP! THAT IS A SIGN FROM GOD" and accepted the
invitation to be baptized.
Thursday, we biked all day and were
trying to find more people, we tracted, we soap boxed, we placed cards &
pamphlets. We had a lesson with a Less active recent Covert, he is 16 years old,
and he doesn't talk or participate in the lessons, but we found out that when
you bring up Pokemon Go that he WILL NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. So we have to
tie everything to Pokemon. My personal favorite is HOW SIN IS LIKE A POKEBALL.
This made us late for dinner. We met with some Eternagators, and we shared a
scripture on Karma, then on how we need to be Chaste, upon thinking of that I
don't know if Karma and Chasity are the best mix of teaching. They also asked
about Garments and when is the right time to take them off, like for water
sports and other things, but they seemed to get the message and said we could
come back. They love to make missionaries feel super awkward in that lesson, (I taught them that lesson before and they
gave me crap for it the first time.)
Friday, we were stuck inside for all
of the day except for the 2 hours that we were out and about. We got to meet a
less active that has avoided us for 2 weeks, and we invited him back to church.
Weekly planning takes too much time, because we have to plan finding activities
for every day because we don't have people to teach.
Saturday, WAS HAZZZZZY!!! It was so
bad that at the end of the day they put out a warning that there are a lot of
pollutants in the air, and not to go outside. If we knew at the beginning of
the day that would have been better, but we were huffing and puffing it all day
long trying to see people, and we got Heat Exhaustion really bad, even though I
drank 2-3 gallons of water.
Sunday, I woke up to a Charlie
Horse, and promise not to laugh at my pain, but as I had it I fell off of the
bed and hit my head on the nightstand. By the time, I had it stretched out and
climbed back in bed, no sooner than when my head hit the pillow the Alarm clock
went off, and we had to be up to get ready for Church. We had meetings all day.
I kid you not, if you think that there are no meetings that a missionary has to
go to you are dead wrong. Sunday we had meetings from 10 to 6 and we didn't get
a chance to cut out because bishop invited us to the meetings to have more
priesthood there to pass training down to the Quorums and less actives. We did
manage to get a lesson with a less active. We promptly found out that he will
be gone for 2-3 weeks, and that he won't have time thereafter to meet for
another 2-3 weeks, so we lose him for a transfer, sadness... But he is making
progress, to come to church and read the book of Mormon, and we gave him some
scriptures to read while he is gone so that shouldn't be a total loss.
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