Monday, July 18, 2016


Well Seth, that is a very admirable goal, I hope you achieve it.  Setting and making goals is all we do for daily and weekly planning, if you hit that goal, you will be set as a missionary.  You can talk to anyone on the mission and get their number and be able to meet up with them later.  Dating is a lot like missionary work, I could draw parallels all day so I will quit while I am ahead. AND KEEP IT UP!!!!!  Even if you are the only young man there.  As missionaries, even if we only have 1 investigator make it to church it is worthwhile. Think of all of the young men presidency and the members of the ward, even if you are the 1 young man that shows up and runs the whole show you make all of their day.
I hope the baby shower was fun, with all of the superheros, was it Marvel or DC universe?
It is going alright right now, Oh I just got a red flag alert of your Email address saying that you are trying to steal my information, here is what I sent dad.
It means that is something that I will do and apply, to make things better for my studies, and I will most likely start by applying it in Alma 32 or 34, to test it out, I will mark everything on FAITH and follow out the foot notes to get a better Idea or Belief of Faith. And I will endeavor to email sooner, but we are in a bike area so we don't really have control over what time to go and do things it is usually how they (the missionaries with the car) plan out their day and we follow, because we can't bike to any of the stores or Libraries so we have to catch a ride from them, today they came early to do their laundry so we got here earlier.
To tell you what happened last week I have to tell you about the week before, the Libraries internet went down the Friday the week before last and was down until Tuesday of last week, so we weren't able to email on Monday, but on Tuesday, and the library was packed so we had to keep it short and we still had to leave early, because our ride for dinner arrived early to pick us up to get ahead of traffic.
The Work has been going okay, we have lost a lot of our investigators and we have been out trying the list of potentials the are in our new area book, and I have come to dislike it when sister missionaries, put people down and their notes just say "not interested but likes us" we went through a sheet and they are were like that and we got no one. We have been trying to revitalize the work in our "new" area, but everyone only want to meet with the sisters because they were girls and they would talk for hours at a time and not even teach a gospel principle, not 1!, 
I will try to start back up Journaling, I will break my bad habit of not journaling and journal more for you guys
Oh and I haven't gotten the bag yet, if you sent it to the Mission office then it will be a while before it gets to me, but I can wait for a bit.  Oh, I got a back Rack thing like dad's, so I can now strap things down to my bike and not have to worry about getting sweat stains on my shirts, they are really hard to get out of clothes, but they eventually come out...right? :)
That is AWESOME that he is doing that, KEEP IT UP!  Satan will up his game like none other, teaching people about that is hard, and helping them to stay strong is even harder.  The best way that we have found is fasting for them and if they are solid enough, to have them fast too. I have found that when I personally fast, that I need the lord in my life, I recommend that you find and read the talk ‘Fasting with Power,’ by Shayne M. Bowen, and use it to make your fast better, stronger, and more in line with the Lord’s will. Oh, how has dad done with his goal to lose weight by the end of my mission?
Biking is Biking, I don't yet have Calves that are as hard as rocks, but I do have Quads that are hard as rocks.  Cooking is going well as far as I can tell. I have been trying to cook more and more, but the problem is finding time, because now on bikes we have to leave 15 -20 minutes earlier to make appointments on time. I haven't been able to make bread this past week because I we don't have yeast, so we had some very floury pancakes and German pancakes.  Please, send the biscuits and gravy recipe please
I am feeling pretty good right now, even though there hasn't been a lot of awesome/great things that have happened. I have been trying to be more thankful for everything that I pray for.  Some missionaries offered some helpful things to try that they do to stay focused on the Lord, and they have helped out a lot, in that regard I have been trying to apply it to everyday life as a missionary and it has helped.  I feel better and feel that I can do what is required of me, which is nice and helpful.
I put some pictures up on drop box.  Who knew that we had Adobes here in the Maple ward, I didn't till I stopped for water. Oh, the one right before the adobes I thought that dad would get a kick out of it, oh and don't look at the ones in front of that one, It's just proof that if you don't put sunscreen on for one day that you will burn, and that ants live in the desert
Alright, I got to go,
Love You all,

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