Monday, June 13, 2016

The "Country Bumpkin"

We have a lot of time planned for tracting, because we don't have a lot of people right now.  We got dropped a lot this past week.  We had a guy, he was nice till he found out we were missionaries, then he SLAMMED THE DOOR.  The sad part is that he is an anti Mormon member that has refused to have his records removed, for purposes unknown to us, and we can't remove his records so we put him on the Do Not Contact list.  We DID HAVE AN INVESTIGATOR COME TO CHURCH, he has a testimony of the church and of the Book of Mormon, although there are some word of wisdom problems, we can work with that.  During Elders quorum we were learning about the scriptures, and the person giving the lesson stopped and said "I feel prompted to ask why we only use the King James Version of the Bible", (now some background, the investigator that came to church reads every version of the bible under the sun, moon, and stars) when the teacher said that, inside of myself I was like "YESSSS, WHOAAAAA!  Yeah, members acting on the promptings of the Holy Ghost, (the Church is true (said in a joking manner))" and then was like "Oh Crap, he is looking at us to answer the question, we are going to have to explain that to everyone."  It was still awesome, I have no problem having to explain to anyone what we believe if a member feels prompted to ask inspired questions and bear testimony on what we say and teach.

Oh this next bit is for Grandma and Grandpa, I met Ronald Grey, he's a twin, his brother's name was Donald, he said that he knew you both growing up and I quote "Use to tease the English girls on the school bus". 

Apparently, I am picking up an accent and mom you are going to be so proud of this, it's a southern accent.  When I talk to some of the people here, namely my companion and people at doors, I will say something and they can't understand what I am saying.  So I say it again for them and then they understand.  The follow up question is "Where are you guys from" and I say "Missouri", and some people out here think "Oh, a country bumpkin" and then proceed to try to talk fancy with their college education to get us to go away, and it's so funny that they try to talk science or math to me to try and make themselves feel smarter.  One time this college bumpkin tried to get us to leave using Calculus on his whiteboard.  I asked if I could help and he said "You wouldn't understand what is written on the board." I promptly said "Well, can I try?"  (At this point he didn't want us there, and was bashing us, so forgive me for what I do next.)  He said "Sure."  I then proceeded to fix his formula on the board, and gave him the correct answer.  I did this in 30 minutes, without the aid of his calculator, and said at the end as we went out the door "You were wrong in the beginning, and that screwed up the rest of your equation, just like some of the things that you have wrong in what you believe, when you want the right answers visit this website," and then handed him a card.  I am sorry but when people jump to conclusions about me and bash on my religion, the gloves are off. It's the way I feel some times, with some bashers. But I am trying to be better at saying that in a way that could not be angered or offended by them.

Love you,


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